





"SI-CHAID 4.0 provides a level of sophistication for gaining insight into segmentation of complex structures containing multiple correlated dependent variables using simple-to visualize trees."

Ken Deal
Marketing Research Magazine, Summer 2005

SI-CHAID是一套用于执行卡方自动交叉检验(CHi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector,CHAID)分析的程序包。结果能够被同时显示成交互式树形图,交叉表(crosstabulations)和收益图(gains chart)汇总。



The Define part of the program is used to set up a CHAID Definition (.chd) file with the File → New command, or alter the specifications of an existing .chd file with File → Open. The typical setup includes the selection of the dependent variable, the predictor variables, the combine-type of the predictors, and various options for growing the tree (stopping rule, significance levels, etc.). Define may also be used to enter or modify scores for the categories of the dependent variable when the ordinal algorithm is specified. The model specifications, which are saved with a .chd extension, can be inspected with a text editor (Notepad, for example).


The Explore part of the program allows you to grow or alter a SI-CHAID Tree, automatically or interactively, using the settings given in a previously saved (.chd) file. It can also be used to produce crosstabulations, gains charts, and if-then-else source code statements that can assist in scoring your data file.


Tree Diagram
Tree nodes have detailed information which may be customized using the Tree Node Display panel. From this view the SI-CHAID model may be modified by growing, pruning, or restoring previously saved tree branches or by rearranging category groupings. Operations on the tree take place on the “current” node which is the highlighted (active) node. Clicking on a node makes it the current node. Multiple Tree Diagram windows may be open, each displaying different node contents or other customized views.

Gains Chart
The Gains chart provides various tabular representations of the terminal nodes (segments) from the SI-CHAID tree which may be customized using the Gains Items panel. Multiple Gains Chart windows may be open, each with its unique customized appearance.

The table provides tabulation of a single predictor by the dependent variable. The cell entries can be customized using the Table Items panel.

Linking with Latent GOLD and/or LG Choice
Each of our flagship modeling tools Latent GOLD 4.5 and Latent GOLD Choice 4.5 provide a direct link to SI-CHAID 4.0. With this option, a CHAID Definition (.chd) file is automatically generated immediately following model estimation which can then be used as input to SI-CHAID 4.0.

Read the groundbreaking article “An Extension of the CHAID Tree-based Segmentation Algorithm to Multiple Dependent Variables”, Magidson and Vermunt (2005). and follow along with Tutorial 4.


All sample datasets and sample .chd files used the tutorials below are downloaded to your computer when you install the demo version of SI-CHAID.



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