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"LGC simultaneously finds latent class segments among the sample respondents, and estimates discrete choice parameters for each of those segments. The flexibility, scope, and graphical output of LGC are outstanding." 在联合分析和离散选择分析方面的突破! 了解关于Latent GOLD Choice的更多信息:
Latent GOLD Choice 4.5的插件SI-CHAID 4.0现在发布了! SI-CHAID 4.0 profiling extension allows you to profile your latent class segments in terms of many covariates using the CHAID (CHi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector). As shown in Magidson and Vermunt (2005), SI-CHAID 4.0 extends Latent GOLD‘s covariate capabilities to improve your ability to profile latent classes in terms of demographics and other exogenous variables. 要了解Latent GOLD Choice 4.5和SI-CHAID 4.0是如何一起工作的,请查看Tutorial #1A Latent GOLD Choice takes the Nobel prize-winning methodology to the next level During the 1970's a powerful methodology was proposed for analyzing respondent choices and using the resulting part-worth utility parameters to calculate share estimates under different competitive scenarios. The proposed random utility model, now referred to as the conditional logit, multinomial logit or aggregate choice model, earned the author a Nobel prize. (See http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~mcfadden/iatbr00.html) Recently, this aggregate model has been improved to allow for the fact that different consumer segments utilize different preferences in making their choices. The result is a model that produces better share estimates by simultaneously identifying the important segments and the estimated share for each segment. Latent GOLD Choice represents the GOLD standard for developing advanced choice models. Choice data is obtained from surveys or actual behavior where respondents rate/rank/choose products/services/alternatives/options. Choice models differ from traditional regression models in that choices are predicted as a function of characteristics of the choice alternatives. Each alternative/product/service/option has attributes. What is estimated is the importances/utilities of these attributes. Latent classes represent segments that give differential importance to the various attributes. 听专家们怎么说 See what the experts have to say about the future of conjoint and choice modeling. "Wish List for Conjoint Analysis" by Eric Bradlow and comments by Jordan Louviere, Bryan Orme, Joffre Swait, Jeroen Vermunt and Jay Magidson. Download a zip file (42K) or a pdf file of all of the articles (65K), or read them individually in our Articles section. Latent Class models provide the best way to analyze choice data. The two most popular ways to take into account differences in respondent preferences are Hierarchical Bayes (HB) models and Latent Class (LC) models, also know as finite mixture models. A recent extensive comparison of the two was made by Andrews, Ainslie and Currim, (2002), An empirical comparison of logit choice models with discrete vs. continuous representations of heterogeneity, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXXIX (November), 479-487. In a followup publication by Andrews and Currim, (May 2003, JMR), the authors refer to their earlier work as showing that finite mixture [LC] models are at least as effective as more recent methods [HB] for recovering heterogeneity. Added to the fact that the Latent GOLD Choice program can estimate models in a fraction of the time that it takes to estimate HB models, plus provides many additional capabilities, we believe that Latent GOLD Choice is the GOLD standard for advanced choice modeling. Specifically, The LC models as implemented in Latent GOLD Choice provide the following advantages over HB models:
了解有关潜在类别选择建模的更多细节 同时,点击查看Latent GOLD Choice的常见问题部分 下载Latent GOLD Choice免费试用版 Known Class Indicator This feature allows more control over the segment definitions by pre-assigning selected cases (not) to be in a particular class or classes. Conditional Bootstrap p-value Model difference bootstrap can be used to formally assess the significance in improvement associated with adding additional classes, additional DFactors and/or an additional DFactor levels to the model, or to relax any other model restriction. 新的高级模块包括额外的高级特征: 连续潜在变量 (CFactors) An option for specifying models containing continuous latent variables, called CFactors, in a cluster, DFactor or regression model. CFactors can be used to specify continuous latent variable models, such as factor analysis and item response theory models, and regression models with continuous random effects. For more details, see:
多层建模 an option for defining two-level data variants of any model implemented in Latent GOLD. Group-level variation may be accounted for by specifying group-level latent classes (GClasses) and/or group-level CFactors (GCFactors). In addition, when 2 or more GClasses are specified, group-level covariates (GCovariates) can be included in the model to describe/predict them. The multilevel option can also be used for specifying three-level parametric or nonparametric random-effects regression models. Sumultaneously develop country-level and individual level segments. See:
其他有关高级模块特征的信息,下载Latent GOLD用户指导手册第一章 复杂样本数据的调查选项 Two important survey sampling designs are stratified sampling -- sampling cases within strata, and two-stage cluster sampling -- sampling within primary sampling units (PSUs) and subsequent sampling of cases within the selected PSUs. Moreover, sampling weights may exist. The Survey option takes the sampling design and the sampling weights into account when computing standard errors and related statistics associated with the parameter estimates, and estimates the design effect 下载完整的Latent GOLD Choice手册或Latent GOLD Choice技术指导:
The Demo version of Latent GOLD Choice comes with the following tutorials and accompanying data sets: cbcRESP.sav - a simulated choice experiment
brandAB.sav - a simulated brand-price choice experiment Note: The following tutorials are currently being updated for version 4.0. They still accurately illustrate the different features of Latent GOLD Choice. cbcRESP.sav - a simulated choice experiment brandsAB1file.sav - a simulated brand-price choice experiment
bank45.sav & bank9-1-file.sav - real data from a bank segmentation study
conjoint.sav, ratingRSP.sav, ratingALT.sav, ratingSET.sav: simulated data utilizing a 5-point ratings scale |
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